Anti-fraud policy


Once registered in the service, the user is responsible for the veracity of the data provided as well as the proper use of the same. Pericom S.A. DE C.V. can exclude from accessing the website any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions that may be applicable by law.

Pericom S.A. DE C.V. is exonerated from any liability that may arise from improper or negligent use, adopting the following measures with respect to the following topics:

What is considered spam?

Spam consists of sending an e-mail to an unknown person who has not expressly requested the information, as well as messages in newsgroups, discussion groups (forums), bulletin boards or chats in contexts other than OnlineJobs.

What is our anti-spam policy?

OnlineJobs does not permit such practices under any circumstances. For this reason, the user who spams will be immediately unsubscribed from the service and will lose any balance accumulated up to that moment. The reason is simple: so-called spam not only annoys Internet users but, according to a study by the European Commission, causes them to lose billions of euros a year.

What to do in case of spam?

If you suspect that you have received any type of spam from a OnlineJobs member, please notify us using the contact form so that we can take the appropriate measures. Please provide as much information as you can, so that we can verify the source of the spam.


The privacy policy and terms of service of Pericom S.A. DE C.V. takes extreme care with the collection and protection of our users’ data, with the following measures:

  • Using the double opt-in system in the registry to verify the data.
  • The possibility to unsubscribe at any time by deleting all data instantly.
  • Asking permission on what advertising is desired and how often.
  • Provide the user with a secure private area where he/she can view and modify the data entered.
  • Without the prior consent of the user, never sell to companies outside Pericom S.A. DE C.V..

What other cases are considered grounds for discharge?

Pericom S.A. DE C.V. ensures not only the protection of the data of its owners, but also its veracity, so that in addition to spam, a user will be excluded for joining two or more accounts or for registering with fraudulent data (e.g.: non-existent e-mail, non-existent mobile, etc …).

You can only belong to a OnlineJobs community and be registered in one country. The fact of belonging to several is a reason for expulsion and automatic cancellation of the user. In addition, if the user is registered in the same (or different) country with temporary emails detected as fraud, it will also be a reason for cancellation by OnlineJobs.

Three consecutive bounces in the sending of messages imply the cancellation of the service for being considered an erroneous e-mail account.

For references from misleading links/sites that do not reflect the philosophy of the service.

About OnlineJobs